Sunday was rough. "Let's drink all the beer & cider" should have been Saturdays theme but the real theme was a Monopoly pub challenge! Basically you were given a team and a mini monopoly board and were suppose to do some challenges and take pictures and stuff, I don't know. Our team lost but we had fun so did we lose, really ? Our first challenge was to chug a pint in a game called a boat race which is essentially standing in a line and when the person in front of you is done chugging you must chug it!!!! (or skull it as the Aussies say). Our team lost because Rachel sucks. I suck too but Rachel was worse. I mean this in the most loving way! Everyone we met was awesome and included two fellow Canadians!
Canadian bar- no Pil :(
I should probably also add there was also a superhero/villain theme
The next day we were off to Liverpool! We have been here ever since looking for flats and jobs and such. We had a very strange experience while looking at a flat and 8pm the other night. First of all, we took a cab and asked the driver what he though of the area. He was very against it which should have been our first clue but the house looked so beautiful we had to give it a look. The man renting it out had the thickest accent imaginable. I don't even know if I understood what he was saying so there was lots of nodding and smiling involved. He was also very strange. The house was gorgeous and I wish we could be renting it but we got a bad vibe. That house is haunted to the extreme ladies and gentlemen. There was little dolls and children toys everywhere which didn't help the cause. The whole situation was so awkward and weird we could not wait to get out of there.
I don't really have any other news at the moment. I finally finished watching Breaking Bad.
I also have a restaurant recommendation for Liverpool! It is a vegan/ vegetarian restaurant called the Egg. So delicious.
Future tip: If the server asks you and your friend if you would like to share always say yes no matter how hungry you are.
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